Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Getting started with Andromda

getting started with this link.
you might face few problems

here are solutions to some problems that I faced:
1. maven-andromda jta jar need to be copied manually
3. repository problem
4. installing plugin for mavan 2

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

ibiblio maven repository 301 eorror

I was getting following error
Error retreiving artifact from [ Unknown error downloading; status code was 301

public maven repository on ibiblio was moved to a mirror site. This is indicated by HTTP response status 301, which indicates file is permanently moved. Maven 1.0.2 do not seem to understand redirect.

Solution: Add to the list of remote repositories in in addition to the original entry (

For Maven 2, this should not cause any problem, as you can specify mirrors in settings.xml. For more details see the following link: